Case Studies
Check out some examples of our work below.

Batter up
An NPD project for a Yorkshire pudding company

Cross-Atlantic cosmetics
Understanding brand perceptions of a British bodycare brand in the US market

T-oatal understanding
NPD research to support the launch of a new overnight oats product

Human values in finance
Developing and embedding a customer segmentation for a leading bank

Front page feature
Helping this national newspaper to better understand their reader personas

DIY deep dive
Segmenting the DIY shopper market for this large DIY retailer

Beautifully sensitive support
Supporting this leading beauty retailer to better understand their customer journey

Ensuring awareness
Our customer closeness programme gave this insurance company a deep insight into their customers

Nurturing nutritional growth
We helped this nutrition brand to better understand their brand, customers and growth opportunities.

All hands on deck
We helped this premium decking brand to understand and improve their customer journey

Communicating material change
Our multi-stage research helped this client create a new B2B digital telephony proposition

Research starts at home
Design thinking research was at the heart of the development of this new mortgage proposition

Family focus: kids content
Our brand tracker provides this TV network with insight into kids perceptions of their programmes and channels

Sliced and served to perfection
This tracker provides ongoing insight into the brand performance of this pizza restaurant chain

Cereaously good tracking
Our tracker understands the level of child poverty across seven different markets